If you want to learn the language of desire by Felicity Keith that will totally hook your man to you and make him desire you over and over again, such that he has eyes for you and also you. If you want to learn a naughty erotic secret about men even the nicest, shyest, most innocent woman can use to get any man you want more turned on and desperate for you than he’s ever been for any woman in his entire life, then Download Language of Desire
When it comes to men it can be easy to think that they simply just have an on and off switch when it comes to their desires, however that isn’t strictly true and when it isn’t you are going to need to know the Six Free Language of Desire Phrases that will knock your man’s socks right off. Before you start to get worried though, be rest assured that the Free Language of Desire doesn’t actually mean you have to say anything dirty, although being dirty can help. According to Felicity Keith, author of Language of Desire, a relationship program that teaches even the shyest woman how to turn a man on and make him desire and love you without even touching him, learning how to satisfy your man both in and out of the bedroom can be the difference between and exciting love adventure versus a boring relationship where your man is with you and still thinks of other ladies. Language of Desire provides women with dirty talk techniques that will make you the only fantasy of your man, the only one he wants and desires to be with forever.
So here are some Free Language of Desire that even the shyest, most reserved woman can start using on her man right away. To learn more Free Language of Desire Click Here
1. “You Smell Delicious”

Men are in most cases just as self-conscious as women and if they try something new, then they want to know whether it has worked or not. This means that if you notice your man has changed to a different cologne or body spray then you should complement him, make sure that he knows you have noticed. Showing your man that you notice the little things can really boost his confidence and telling him that you like the changes can only boost it more.
Men crave for a woman’s approval and one coming from his love or partner is most desirable. Noticing how good your man smells and complimenting it, is an ego booster. And if he doesn’t smell that good at the moment, just telling him “You Smell Delicious” will inspire him to do his best to always smell nice to the aim of pleasing you.
2. “I Want You Bad”

Sometimes men can feel as though they want sex a lot more than women do. This means that sometimes men can feel a little uncertain about making the first move, especially if you are not giving away any signs of wanting it. Men typically aren’t great at picking up on subtle hints either, so if you want your man to know that you want him, then tell him in the most straight forward way you can. Your man will love to hear that you want him and it will do nothing but get his motor running.
Telling a man “I Want You Bad” especially your spouse or partner is the most effectively way to hook your man, he can hardly resist you. That statement will remain in his mind all through the day and you will remain in his mind as well. To use this effective, try it out using the The Pavlov’s Erection Technique and watch his love and desire for you increase with each passing day.
3. “I want you to touch me”

Again sometimes men don’t feel very comfortable making the first move or exploring their woman’s body but a little reassurance can go a long way. If you want your partner to touch you somewhere then take control and ask him to do it. Your man will love the fact that you know what you want but he will love it more than he has permission to touch you in places that he might otherwise have felt too uncomfortable to touch.
There is no need being shy about your sexual desires or needs. To have a fulfilling sexual life requires both partner’s need to be met. Men love it when their partner is sexually satisfied. However, because women has several needs, telling a man where and how to touch you not only help him met your needs but also encourage him to explore your sexuality the more. To learn how you can move from a shy, reserved, low confident woman to a sexual super woman, listen to Felicity Keith on How to Become a Sexual Super Woman
4. “You are huge”
It isn’t a very well-kept secret that men are self-conscious of the size of their tackle and this does mean the job of reassuring falls to you. Obviously you don’t want to straight out lie about how impressed you are but make sure that he knows you are more than happy with what he has to offer. If a man doesn’t feel confident then this can really reflect in his actions and performance, so make sure that your man feels like the best and then you know you will only get the best in return.
If you are wondering how best to see this to him or the various variety you can use without sounding off track then learn more with The Lust Mirror Phrase
5. “You make me tremble”
If your man is trying something new, then don’t just be quiet about it. Boost their confidence by telling them that you love it. Tell them just how much you like something, describe in detail about how it makes you feel and watch your man as he goes weak at the knees. All men love to hear that they are doing a good job but all men love it more when they know exactly why they are doing a good job.
Try The Tease Intensifier if you are not too sure how this will go down or too shy to say it to your man.
6. “Take me now”

Men don’t like to be the ones to always initiate the intimate times and this can mean that sometimes they don’t act when they really want to. Telling your man that you want him but not only that, that you want him now, is the perfect way to get his motor started. Men love to hear that they are needed and wanted and when it comes to their bedroom activities they can’t help but get a blood rush when they are told that you desire them. Telling your man that you want him right here and now will send a rush of excitement through him that can only and will only come out in one way. This Free Language of Desire Phrase should only be used as if you actually mean it, otherwise your man might end up feeling disappointed and rejected.
It may sound weird at the beginning but the more you say it and get in to it the better it becomes. Your man will respond in sure a way that you will be encourage to do more and say more to him which will in turn bring out the best in him and inspire him to love, adore, cherish you the more.
In conclusion
If you want to use these Free Language of Desire to get your man going then you should be as direct as possible about what you want and like. Telling your man directly removes any confusion or embarrassment they might feel about doing certain things and it can really drive your man wild to know that you want him just as much as he wants you. Men like to think in pictures and the more graphic you are with your requests; the more eager he will be to fulfil them. It’s important to remember however that you should only do what you feel comfortable doing, if you are not comfortable being graphic with your language of desire then don’t be, as your discomfort will outshine anything else that you might be saying.