Intimacy is a vital aspect of a relationship. No relationship thrive without the element of fun, excitement and sex. For a lady, it can be difficult figuring out how to keep your man happy, turned on and completely happy to be with you. There is no step by step manual when it comes to bring out the best in your man, however we have put together some sexual dirty questions that can help bring out the inner sexual beast in your man. These questions are in no particular order which means you can choose from which of the questions describes your relationship or is apt for the moment.

For example, if you are on the phone with a man and having a sexy conversation, you can ask him if I was there with you, what would you do to me? This question opens up any man. It gives him permission to flirt with you and to be turned on. You can also take this a little further by asking him, If I were with you alone in the house, wearing (describe a sexy outfit that you own) how would you feel and what would you do to me?
Sexual Dirty Questions That Turns a Man On
If you are looking to turn a man on it’s important to have an end game plan in mind. Do you want it to end in sex or you simply want to turn him on and leave him begging to have you. If you are with him, certain question are most likely going to turn him hard and thinking of having sex with you. For example, if you at your place alone with him, you can ask him to guess the color of pant you are wearing. This instantly wakes up his sexual imagination and gets him guessing all different color. To make it more fun, you can tell him after many guess that you are not wearing any.
Another sexual question to stimulate the man of your man especially when you are talking to him on phone is “What’s your best or preferred sex position”? You see, men love sex and they love to talk about it. Asking a man what’s his favorite sex position is like telling him you are interested to try it out with him. The thought alone arouse him and gets him taking over the conversation and telling all about his favorite sex position and how he looks forward to trying it out with you.
Dirty Question to Ask a Guy Over Text
When it comes to asking a man dirty sexual question over text, it’s important to be specific and be really explorative. The truth is most guys enjoy sexual conversation and will readily indulge in it if they sense you are game for it. Here are some dirty question you can ask a man over text.

- What’s your favorite part of a girl’s body OR (my body) and why?
- What color of panties do you like me wearing?
- What do you like wearing when you go to bed and will you wear it if I will be spending the night with you?
- Do you like kissing and do you consider yourself a good kisser?
- Have you ever had sex outside and how was it?
- Is threesome something your would like to do?
- Do you masturbate and have you ever been caught?
- If you could sleep with any celebrity who would she be?
- Do you like a dominate woman in bed or you enjoy leading the way?
- What’s your idea of a good foreplay
- What’s your favorite sexual fantasy
Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy
When it comes to talking to a guy you are really into, you need to make sure you are emotional in tuned with the act of flirting. To really get a guy to open up to you and go with the flow is something that can be mastered. We have put together some excellent fairy questions to ask a guy you like. Here they are
1. Do you like Kissing? – This should be a favorite for everyone lady who wants to gain the attention of a guy. This question opens him up and allow him to really man up and take up the challenge. This question usually leads to who is a better kisser and an opportunity for a match up.
2. What turn you on? – The purpose of this question is not only to know where to head to if you really want this guy turned on, but also to let him imagine you causing him to be turned on. The act of telling you what turns him on brings the imagination to him and subsequently turns him on.
3. Do girls who make the first move intimidate you? – Guys like to be in charge. The idea that a lady intimidates him is not something he will open up to which is good because it puts him in the driver seats and let him take charge of doing the heavy work instead of you. Asking him this question leave him with no option but to make the first move on you.
4. What do you do when you are hard? – This is a deep flirty question, the idea is to get him to talk dirty. His answer to this question can range from masturbation to simply looking for someone to have sex with.
5. Do you masturbate? – It’s important to note that most guys masturbate so if he says yes, don’t make a big deal out of it. You can go further by asking him, between having sex and masturbation which will he prefer? Between having sex with you and masturbation which will he prefer?

Read : Sexual Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl – Make Her Want You
Good Questions to Ask a Guy – Get To Know Him
Life is not all about sex and flirty. If you are meeting a guy for the first time or your relationship is just getting started, sexual dirty questions can not only be inappropriate but also a turn off for some guys. Aside that, it’s very important for you to get to know your guy in the early days of the relationship as this build the foundation for a lasting relationship.
Knowing someone intimate takes courage but more importantly takes asking the right questions and listening to the answers. So in this section we want to explore some of the important questions you can ask any guy to get to know him. These questions are in no particular order, you can start from anyone.
1. What are your personal goals and vision? – Now this question is of importance because not only does it offers you opportunity to know about his personal goals and vision, it also means that you get to express your personal goals and vision. It also in a way help both of you see the future together.
2. Where were you born? – Most people are not living in the state or city of birth even country. Asking this question opens that up.
3. What was your childhood like? – Most people have fond memories of their childhood and like to talk about it, some don’t. In any case it’s important you know a little of his childhood if you intend having a meaningful relationship with him.
4. What’s your ideal kind of love relationship? – Since your intention is to find a common ground for a romantic relationship, asking this question is very important. It gives you the opportunity to find out his definition of an ideal relationship. It also offers you the opportunity to share yours.
5. Are you the jealous type? – Most men are, some are not. While you might not get a straight answer for this, knowing the kind of temperament of your man to be is very important to avoid an abusive relationship.