Dirty Sexual Questions To Ask A Girl – Questions To Ask A Girl

Sex questions to ask a girl

Ladies are greatly affected by words. They crave for it, they enjoy it and the fall easily in love with a guy that is good with words, sort of a smooth talking. If you are looking at winning the heart of your sweetheart, crush or simply want to turn a girl sexually on and make her want you, you need to understand how to get into the female psychological mind and discover those words their heart ache for. Sound like a tall task? don’t worry we have you covered.

Women react to words differently from men. For instance, telling a women she is pretty or she looks sexy in those dress or that her voice speaks to your heart has a profound effect than you can ever imagine. It makes her feel good and that feeling translate to a constant thoughts about you. Every time she wears a different outfit, she will want to show it off to you just to get a compliment.

Examples of Dirty Sexual Question to Ask a Girl

Just a quick one before we continue. If your sole reason for sexual dirty questions to ask a girl is so you can turn her on and take her to bed, then we would like to offer you with something more comprehensive. It’s called Make Women Want You by Jason Capital. In it you will learn the secret act of seduction and getting women to want to sleep with you. It’s comprehensive and straight to the point.  Download Make Women Want You

When it comes to Sexual Dirty questions, don’t make the mistake  of vague questions. Guys like guys who are specific, who are not afraid to explore their sexual side. It tells her, you are strong and might be a good sex partner. You must be specific with your question and patience at same time. Don’t rush her, take a question and literally flog it. For example, if you are asking her what pant she is wearing, find out what type, G-string, half-string, full pant, all front etch. Find out the color, and ask her to describe how she sees it looking at herself in the mirror.  
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Rules of Dirty SexualQuestion to Ask a Girl

When asking a girl sexual dirty question it’s important to bear some rules in mind. Your aim is to turn her on, either for sex over the phone or instant sex together. In going about your goal, always ensure she is comfortable. Never ask her a question that in anyway reduces her self esteem or shame her body. If you notice she is uncomfortable with a party question, move to the next question or tell her it doesn’t matter. Girls are very particular about their body and most women don’t think they have the perfect body. If sex is in your mind, avoid by every means telling a girl you have a concern or preference for any type of body or feature she does not have.

For Instance, if she has a small breast, never tell her you prefer a larger breast. If she has a smaller butt, never tell her you prefer a bigger butt. Lets your conversation be centered on appreciating all of her, tell her how sexy, perfect, succulent her breast is. Get into her mind and make her see the perfect sexy side of her. Again for more info on this and how to idolize her body is such a way that she will offer it to you head to  Make Women Want You

10 Dirty Questions to Ask Her.

These sexual dirty questions are in no particular order and you have to pick the one that best suit the situation. Some are perfect for a face to face conversation, others through text, chat and others via phone conversation. Here are some sexual dirty questions to ask a girl

1. When was the last time you had sex? – Most women would lie in answering this question, however it set the tone and stage for the discussion. The purpose of this question is know how receptive she is to sex. It gives a fair idea on the next question to ask her.

2. Have you ever had multiple orgasm? – This is not a standard question but a question to heighten her excitement. Most girls haven’t had real orgasm and multiple ones is something they crave for. Asking her this question get her thinking of sex and orgasm.

3. What are you currently wearing? – This is a starting question. Let her describe what she wearing in details. Ask about each clothing piece. If she says she is wearing a skirt, ask if it’s the long, short or mini. Be specific

4. What pant are you wearing? – Again explore and dwell deeply on this question. Find out the type, the color, how it fits on her. Most girls would readily send you a picture of how it fits on her if you indulge more on it.

5. What’s the color of your bra.. or you are not wearing one? – Depending on the time of the day, most ladies go to bed not wearing a bra.. so she might just not be wearing one.

6. What’s your favorite sex position? – Dwell on this one. Find out what style she likes and how it makes her feel (you might need it for the real action) Also talk about your favorite position and how you have perfected it. While at this question, suggest some off the hook sex positions to her.

7. What’s your sexual weak spot? – Now, if she is feeling you, she might hesitate to reveal this to you, if she does, tease her a little and ask her if she wants you to find out for yourself.

8. Have you tried threesome before? – Some girls are open to having sex with more than one guy or having sex with a guy and another girl (mostly their friend). The purpose of this question is to find out how explorative she is and naughty she is.

9. Where is the most odd place you have had sex? – This question opens her up to talk about various uncomfortable places she has had sex. It tells you what is possible  and where it is possible.

10. Do you enjoy phone sex? – This is an all important question is you are either texting her or talking to her on phone. It set the stage for a real hot phone sex.

Make Woman Want You

More Dirty Sexual Questions to Ask a Girl

11. What turns you on the most? – The essence of this sexual dirty questions is to get her turned on. By talking about what turns her on and you engaging her in discussing it, her feelings are aroused and it makes her receptive to further questions or moves from you.

12. Do you moan when having sex? – Again this is all geared towards turning her on. Take this question further and ask her what kind of sound she makes when sex is so good. You can make it easy my mimicking some moaning sounds yourself.

13. Do you like foul play first before sex? – Most girls do, while some like spontaneous sex. Find out, don’t assume.

Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl Via Text

Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl Via Text

6. If I were there with you, would you want to kiss me?
7. What part of your body do you consider very sexy?
8. Which celebrity would you like to have sex with?
9. Have you ever showed your boo to a guy you like who is just friend?
10. Just for the asking.. if I told you I would like to have sex with you what would you do?


Mastering the act of sex, takes practice and the right information. If you are looking at mastering these skills and becoming the kind of guy that every woman wants, then learning from Jason Capital is worth your time and investment. Check our Make Women Want You


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